Important Notice for Beta Testers

Edit February 1st

Beta 68 is needed to create new chat accounts. We are going to release the update today ASAP!!

Dear Beta Testers,

In preparation for the Open Beta, we will be resetting our chat services (which will affect rooms and contacts) on February 1st, 2022. On this date, every contact and room will be erased from the system. Please make sure to inform your community and friends about it.

Overall, we’re doing this because we are upgrading our infrastructure in preparation for a lot of new things that we will be unveiling over time.

We are going to make sure to update this post as time goes on in case there are changes or important information that needs to be updated.

See you on the other side! :wave:


OK, got it. Thanks SYOX


Update: Our Chat Services will go offline at 9 AM CET and the estimated downtime will be 3 hours.


The Wipe and move was done.

The public rooms have been re created and can be found and joined in the room discovery


Thanks for the Info. :slight_smile:

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when will it start already?

Hello, on my side I can not connect

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We need to push out a new beta. Beta 67 has problems with account creation on new Matrix server.

We build a new one and release will happen in ~4 hours



Excuse me for my frankness but I have trouble understanding it’s been 2 months since there was an update today you are releasing the public version and you have not tested Matrix the new version on beta client 67 see if it works.

Where this is a last minute bug that was not intended ?

Uh, i asume that i would be automatically connected again even after client restart?
My client says it’s disconnected even after client restart. Tried computer and router restart just in case but still nothing.

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no one said that

(almost) all versions are tested in the alpha before going to the beta channel


Chers bêta-testeurs,

En préparation de la bêta ouverte, = publique

Preparation ≠ release