Issues & Timeouts with Sponsored Teamspeak 5 server

Heya, I’ve migrated my TeamSpeak 3 server to the Sponsored TS5 server almost half a year ago and faced lots of minor issues since then.

Be it:

  • TS3 Clients not being able to send any messages
  • TS3 Clients not seeing uploaded server icons
  • TS5 Linux sometimes not getting pokes
  • TS5 chat loading infinitely in some channels, others work fine - no its not a permission issue
  • TS5 Linux unable to upload anything (icons / file transfer)

But the worst just started a few weeks ago.
The server gets laggy and unresponsive, losing 70 to 100% of the packets for a few minutes until everyone timeouts. A few minutes later tt stabilizes itself again and works as if nothing ever happened, the uptime is also unaffected.
Is TeamSpeak Sponsored getting DDoS’ed?
Can someone of the TS staff notify me / anyone if that’s the case?
What could be done to mitigate that?
t’s just totally unusable when you totally lag and time out from the server multiple times every day :confused:
No, this isn’t an isolated case either, it happens to everyone of the ~20 people online at the same time, with the sponsored TS5 server being the only one affected, nt my privately hosted TS3 instance…

Totally happy to help with anything if more info is needed, I’d just appreciate more communication.

These issues are related to the Matrix chat system used by the Server.
→ The Matrix system is probably not used going forward, as it does not offer backwards compatibility and was not efficient enough.

The Poke problem is known and should be fixed with an upcoming version.

Linux uploads should work as intended.

I don’t know how stable the infrastructure of the server is and it could be that they are getting attacked by other people.

I wouldn’t expect any further help / support as these were test servers.

For upcoming features, you’ll need a newer server version, which these servers are unlikely to get, as they’ll probably be shut down at some point without notice.

I would recommend to go back to your own server, where you have full control over it.


Hey, which server are you talking about in this case?

We don’t give out TS5 Servers or sponsored ones. Perhaps you’re talking about one of the few we are hosting ourselves?



Not sure if this comment will get flagged for it, but
I’ve simply added an SRV redirect to it for my domains.
Active there since 25th July 2022 - would appreciate it if it wouldn’t just get shut down at an instant just so I can migrate smoothly tomorrow in case it’s actually not even meant to run there anymore, lol

But I can just repeat myself there, if that’s the case that they aren’t meant to run anymore, then where was any communication? .-.
TS_Media didn’t answer and the TS5 Server Testing Room seems to have vanished as well

Thank you for the insight (and your Stream deck plugin, btw :3).
Upload doesn’t even open any window to pick any file when trying to upload, tho - At least not with the (what I just learned) unofficial flatpak.
I’ve just installed beta77 via the tar bundle from and have the same issue there.


Linux uploads do not work as intended, as reported in May 2022
=> TeamSpeak 5 Linux Uploads - #8 by danir

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The issue has already been resolved in Beta 72

I’ve confirmed that it is still working for me on Beta 77 on Steam OS. Both drag and drop and the file picker are working.