Latest server update 3.13.5 broke gametracker and servers board


sorry for not answering before @TS.ChrisR . I have no time, in the same way I am using 3.15.5 with the ips of all the queries added since each ranking page provides them and it has been working excellent since the day of the update, I will wait for the stable .6 and I will update many thanks for the Quick answers and solutions that you gave us with this topic

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No solution here is working for me. I will downgrade and wait for a version that works.

In that case your issue is not the same one as other’s if even the IP in allowlist did not change anything.


I dont have any kind of Problem, when i Update/ Upgrade my Server with and without a license. All here is working fine for me. I dont know what is wrong with this version? :thinking:

My answer just said the problem the people have here is not the same when adding the IP to allowlist did not fix the issue. AND NOTHING ELSE

From code perspective we found exactly what caused this and when the workaround (we know it must work) did not work from you then your issue is not the same.

There won’t be any other version with related fixes when we do not know what caused your issue.and as long the only information we have is “it does not work”. Please give us details anything in the log or steps to reproduce or anything else that could help.