Letters are to huge problem -> soloution (inofficial)


:hammer_and_wrench: Customize Font Size to Your Preference :straight_ruler:

Many people have been complaining that the font size is too large, so here is my solution! :tada:

If you take a closer look at the changelog, you’ll notice a mention of the developer tools :hammer_and_wrench:—though this approach might be a bit bold. :rocket:

How to Define Your Own Settings :wrench:

You can set custom configurations as follows:

you need to enter “Developer Mode” depending on your client language



How do I call up this developer menu? I just enter the same thing as you did in the video but nothing comes out.

yea it depends on your client language, try “Developer mode”

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This update sucks… I turned anything down to minimum, but the channels still have the same size and the spacing between the channels look like the grand canyon…
I am not blind and I am not playing on my TV. Please give me the old design back! At least as an option. PLEASE!

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