Maybe we should create another thread targetting hw-accel?
Probably too much noise right now to be useful tbh…
Sucks because streaming video 24/7 from a wayland box is exactly my use case for TS6
I’m on beta2 and I can get it to share either my screen or an application but the issue is that I can see a little exclamation mark in the bottom left hand corner telling me that my fps is 0, so nothing is actually being sent.
Am on Arch too, using X11 & KDE.
Can confirm, KDE + Wayland (with flatpak in my case) and no available source found
is there a solution for screensharing with audio?
Only solution I found to screensharing on Linux is Starting a Virtual Camera with OBS, adding desktop capture as a video source (on obs) and using it as a camera source on Teamspeak
I couldn’t get audio to work with this method tho.
Yeah, that’s what I ended up doing as well. Really inconvenient though.
Make sure the v4l2loopback
kernel module is loaded if you’re using Arch Linux, otherwise OBS won’t have the virtual camera functionality.
i fear it will be a while before they get it to work, discord hasn’t even figured it out flawlessly yet.
Thought that teamspeak could get on par with discord or better on linux with wayland + hardware acell + audio sharing but NOPE, still have to use a modified discord client just got hardware acell working on a amd card or use annoying workarounds like a virtual camera with obs studio
Atleast discord finally brought wayland screen sharing with audio, thats not to say its good tho because its not and its also missing hardware encoding with screen sharing
Discord has fixed their issues at the end of November in 2024. Screen-sharing including audio and from different sources (Screen, Applications) from Linux including Wayland. So in order to compete with them, they have to support at least the same feature set but I would appreciate a few more options, like encoder settings. Keep in mind that we’re dealing here with a P2P connection when using the new feature within TeamSpeak 6.
Don’t be so disappointed. Did you forget TS6 is unfinished beta software? Stuff will get way better as we go on. Be more optimistic, I believe that teamspeak knows what they’re doing given their many years of making reliable software.
Screensharing on Wayland is a WIP, but is not done yet. In the meantime, you can revert to the workaround with an OBS Virtual Camera or sit back & relax until it is added.
That’s good news to me, thanks for the heads up.
Glad to hear that, hopefully it comes soon enough as lots of distros, desktop environments, tiling managers default to wayland now