Anyone got screen share to work on Linux Wayland yet? xwaylandvideobridge doesn’t work
Running Hyprland on Arch
Anyone got screen share to work on Linux Wayland yet? xwaylandvideobridge doesn’t work
Running Hyprland on Arch
Having the same issue over here, but it’s kinda hard to tell why when I’m not on a closed server.
Are you running KDE? I’m on Hyprland
Also verified it is running under XWayland via xlsclients
A post was merged into an existing topic: Client installation corrupted | 6.0.0-beta
Yes, it’s working without xwaylandvideobridge
. Also using Hyprland here @bronked_out1996
Yeah the client itself works, but does screen share work for you? @rn1
It looks like this for me on Hyprland:
Oh sorry, you asked explicitly for screen share. No, it doesn’t. It also only recognizes TeamSpeak as application, but no other application or even the whole desktop.
Interesting that it sees itself, mine doesn’t do that.
I’ll try it on KDE real quick
On GNOME it doesn’t show any sources either, including teamspeak.
It’s a problem with Wayland. I got it working with XOrg and i3…
Yeah KDE-plasma doesn’t work either
I’m not getting the pushback on paid hosted servers. If you want free services, you get the mess that is discord. It’d just be paid users subsidizing free users and getting worse service for it.
Has anyone gotten screen sharing to work on Linux, and specifically Wayland?
Trying to share my screen looks like this:
Xwaylandvideobridge doesn’t work and starting with --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
or without doesn’t make a difference.
I can confirm that it behaves the same on my system through both Hyprland and KDE
I am on EndeavourOS with Gnome and it doesn’t work for me either. Just a confirmation post here
Because Gnome uses Wayland by default and the problem is specific to it. You can try to login into your Gnome session through XOrg and see if it works there. For me it does (X11 + i3) but I prefer to stay in my Wayland session.
Another confirmation post that it does not work for me. EndeavourOS with KDE (Wayland).
Another Issue outside of the unfortunately missing Wayland support (which should be granted nowadays) is the fact that hardware acceleration is fully missing. This is a very important feature as higher bitrates will otherwise become a problem on lower-end CPUs.
Is this on Linux only, or is it CPU encoding on Windows as well?
No clue, didn’t have the time to test unfortunately
As far as I know, hardware acceleration isn’t supported on Windows either.
back to the fraps-era performance