Need help with style changes in TS6

Hi there,

with the new TS6 Update there are some changes made in the style files.

Can someone tell me how to change the colors of the areas i marked with the numbers?
This would be so helpful for me. I already tried for hours…
1 = Background of Mic/Speaker Button
2 = Channel Background (Light Blue)
3 = Channel Tree Background (Black to White)
4 = Channel [cspacer] Background (Black to White)
5 = Connection Quality Indicator Background
6 = not on the PIC: Background of the Connection Overlay (white transparent)

do someone found out how to change that?

I have updated my theme to work with the latest version, so if you need to adjust anything, you can see if that helps you:


Thank you for your answer. But in your theme is the channel backgroundcolor not changed. Do you know where i can find this color to change it?


Not sure right now, I’ve disabled the setting that shows channel backgrounds. But i could check tomorrow if you still need that.


that would be cool. I already found some nice settings in your css files. That already helped me a lot

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For the Channel background you’ll need to set a background to this CSS class:

.ts-server-tree-item-background-no-image {
background: linear-gradient(to right, #17191c 50%, #1e1e1e 100%) !important;

thank you so much.
Do you maybe have information about how to change the channel background color if it is highlighted? I think this would be the last thing i have to change to be absolutely happy :slight_smile:

image .ts-server-tree-item-background-no-image+.tsv-item-highlight {

background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--custom-color-accent-dark) 0%, var(--custom-value-dark5) 40%,var(--custom-value-dark5) 100%) !important;


This code does however not 100% work, as it also styles channels when they are full or password protected. I don’t see a solution to only select it to the selected channel.


thanks for your help. I really appreciate that! I try it later when i have more time to test it and i will give you feedback :slight_smile:

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this one isn’t working for me. I tried it like you and i tried with color codes directly: .ts-server-tree-item-background-no-image+.tsv-item-highlight {

background: linear-gradient(to right, #6d1f32 0%, #6d1f32 40%, #6d1f32 100%);


The Channel Hover Background is still blue

Whoops forgot the !important

Edited my post


thank you soooo much for your help :hugs:

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By the way: This is how my design look at the moment. It is based on your Colorful Teamspeak Theme - Pink