With NordVPN enabled, TeamSpeak Client errors with ‘TeamSpeak fails to start because it cannot find any ports’. This happens with all combinations of split tunnelling and the kill switch on or off. If you pause the VPN connection TS client launches you can then resume the VPN and everything works.
Has anyone got a solution or has this problem?
Hey @Rfur and welcome to the TeamSpeak forum. I know this reply is way too late, but the post was only suggested to me now and I didn’t see it before. Sorry about that.
Usually the error will be because something is blocking the system from opening ports, which is only caused by an Antivirus, Firewall, or VPN killswitch. In extreme cases it will be because all the UDP ports on your system are in use, but there is pretty much zero possibility that’s happening without you knowing.
Does NordVPN have a Kill Switch of some kind? Try turning that off or Turn off Split tunnelling and see if this fix your issue.