
I forgot my password so I dont know how to change it. (Or executionally I know how to change a password but I don’t know what that message means [I confirm, that I have my recovery key for the account and am aware that I will lose my data otherwise ])

Should I make a copy of the app?

please provide more information.
Which error do you get? What are ste steps you are trying to do?

somehow I forgot the password despite entering it yesterday and not knowing how to reset the it.

reseting password

You can reset your password if you have access to your email account.

If you reset and renew your password, you will need your recovery key to get your synced identities/favorites back. You got your recovery key when you logged into your myTeamSpeak account, but you can also create a new one in the TeamSpeak 3 settings under the myTeamSpeak category.

Thank youuu <3 <3 and i have 1 more question. i getting Error 400
when i login teamspeak

Is there any error message or just Error 400?

Something went wrong on our servers while we were processing your request. CSRF token validation failed. This occurrence has been logged, and a highly trained team of monkeys has been dispatched to deal with your problem. We’re really sorry about this, and will work hard to get this resolved as soon as possible.

This error can be identified by db4976f5-b283-4496-86f7-3c87c85426b1 . You might want to take a note of this code.

Perhaps you would like to go to our home page?

Try Crtl + Shift + R to reload the page. Normally you should then be able to log in.


is there a chance my account was stolen?
but it couldn’t be via e-mail, I have 2fa

No, I don’t think your account has been stolen.
Usually the above error only shows that your session has expired. You can also try it from another device or with another browser. The CSRF token validation is nothing new and occurs frequently.

CSRF token validation failed.

should I report it via E-mail? (I am using Brave)

What do you want to report?

idk and last think how to bet backup?

You can sync your myTeamSpeak account in the TeamSpeak 3 client settings under the myTeamSpeak category, but you will need to manually move your identities and favorites that you want to sync from local to synced (you can find the identities under Tools -> Identities and the favorites under Bookmarks).
To backup your identities externally, you can also export them (right click -> export).

I solved it, but I probably found a bug or idk… but thank you so much