Plug in not showing on team speak

Hello so i have downloaded the 64 bit ts3 app and when i went to download my plug in which worked for hundreds of people before me it asks me where i would like to open the plugin so i check teamspeak and finish the install successfully and i reopen team speak and the plugins tab is not showing like it is for everyone else and i check the add ons and i dont see the plug in there no mater how many times i attempt to download it not sure what is going on and why this isnt working i load my game and it seems like the team speak is connected on the app i see everyone else joining and leaving the team speak server and says connected for me but when i open the game it says plug in not connected even though the same exact link im using to download the plug in works for everyone else but for me im having this issue and not sure why and not sure who can help

download open app

First of, there is nothing wrong with using punctuation. It makes your text a lot more readable.
Second, something seems to be wrong with the automatic installation. But no worries, you still can install any plugin manually.

  • Rename the plugin file from name.ts3_plugin to
  • Extract the zip to find a folder called plugins
  • Copy all the contents from this plugins folder to here: %appdata%/TS3Client/plugins/
  • Restart the TS3 client.

or just fix the installation (which was probably moved after the install) by running createfileaccoc.exe within the installation folder as admin.
Afterwards double clicking the installation file should work just fine.


This works! :smiley:

Hi, I tried install salty chat on windows 11 on the newes version of Teamspeak, but it ask me with what I want open it then it says: package_inst.exe but it don’t does nothing. I tried other plug ins similar like that but its the same nothing going to happen if I do like this. Maybe someone had the same and now what to do. :slight_smile: Thanks for the help.

Best Regards

Please try one of the Solutions below:

I tried both but both was not working I still get the message and it won’t open :frowning:

I tried now both a lot bit never worked.

It shows me all time the thing I can open it with package_inst.exe but not working.

Not sure what is wrong.

Can you show us a Video and upload it somewhere. :slight_smile:

And I try open with the first but not working :frowning:
Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

I have sent you a Private Message, i can try to fix your Problem. :slight_smile:

Hey Rikku, thanks for the offer. Very kind of you!

Before I wanted waste your time. I tried one thing more first because I read if I just put the files manuel there it can work. But I could not open the folder so I needed send it from a other labtop to me and put it in the folder, now its there. I just wrote this here if someone else have the same problem.

Thanks guys.

Best Regards

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