[PLUGIN] extendedPoke: forward poke messages to you android phone

Like the title says, with the extendedPoke plugin its possible to forward poke messages to your android phone. This is usefull, when you are AFK and still want to be notificated about pokes.

Download via GitHub
(Download it from the “Releases” folder on the right site and follow the steps of the Readme)

(only x64 version available & app is only available for android)

How does it work?
This plugin uses the official plugin sdk provided from teamspeak. Via this sdk it is possible to get the poker and content of it. This gets converted into a URL and sent to a third party API.
(URL pattern: http://xdroid.net/api/message?k={API_key}&t={pokerName}c={message})
Via the API_key it is connected to your mobile application and you will get a push notification to your phone.

Have fun! :slight_smile:


works really nice :>
free :star: for you :smiley:

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Happy to hear that!
Thank you :slight_smile: