Problems with Teamspeak server

I have a problem with my teamspeak server

Since last night my teamspeak server won’t start anymore, I read the logs and it tells me that the license has expired, but since I have the normal 32 slot version, we have generated the license automatically and can’t expire at all. I need help very urgently

Ich hab ein Problem mit meinem Teamspeak server

Seit heute nacht startet mein teamspeak Server nicht mehr ich habe daraufhin die logs ausgelesen und er sagt mir das die lizenz abgelaufen ist da ich aber die normale 32 slot version habe wir die lizenz doch automatisch generiert und kann garnicht ablaufen bräuchte sehr dringend hilfe

I am not sure how anyone else fixes this, but I normally just backup my server and install over it with a new installer.

P.S. I notice you are also running an older server version, so it might be best to update any way.

You need to update your server to the latest version.

I had downloaded the latest version of teamspeak and he still writes it to me

The server version should be saying 3.13.7 and not 3.13.3. I would assume it would be simple copy and paste on a Windows Server, but I never used Windows Server for Teamspeak before.

I found this from doing a search and looks like it comes from the old forum. Hopefully this helps.

I found the problem why it didn’t work with a new installation all the time i went to german teamspeak site and downloaded it but there is no newer version than 3.13.3 available only on official .com site thanks for the help