Our 256 slot license will expire on 2025.02.07, but we’re bought a 1024 slot license in 2024 summer.
So my question is, can i use that license for running 3 different TS3 servers?
For example:
Split 1024 slot to 512-512
Use 256 slot on first machine
Use 256 slot on second machine
And use 512 slot on third
This could work? Or we need to renew the smallest license?
No, you cannot split one license across multiple VPS servers. You can use one license on a single VPS and split it between two TeamSpeak servers (virtual servers) on that same VPS.
We’re using same license on two different VPS for like 2 years so that’s not true. But i’ve search on TS3 forums etc and my question got answered, cannot be splitted to three VPS. 2 works but 3 not.