RadioFX plug-in not working

I am using TS3 v3.6.2 and would like to use the plugin RadioFX but it seems to have a problem as you can see in the picture.
Do you have a solution?

Try using the 3.5.6 version of the client.

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@opZ1ca Have found this in a few seconds on Github :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here is a compiled version of it Download here the Updated Radio FX Plugin
and it’s updated for the latest stable Client with Version 3.6.2 and updated for
the API 26 :slight_smile:

How to install:
Step 1: Click on the link as I wrote above
Step 2: Click on the Green “Code” Button and select Download ZIP
Step 3: Extract the “radioFX_Compiled-main” ZIP File
Step 4: In the extracted Folder, you will see this Files:

Step 5: Click on the radiofx_plugin_win64 and install
Step 6: Enjoy your new Updated Plugin RadioFX

Greetings Rikku


Great, will try and let you know. Thanks

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Great, this version works… now I need to understand how that works :slight_smile:
Thanks again

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Thanks for Feedback. :slight_smile: Good Luck to you

The RadioFX plugin enables you to hear clients as if they’d be talking through a walkie-talkie. Independent settings are possible for Current Server Tab, Whispers, Other Tabs and channel specific.

The RadioFX plugin isn’t tied to any game and thereby fills this gap as a generic solution.

Radio FX

Edit: I think this Video is good for you for the RadioFX Plugin:

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