Server Groups Add/Remove

I am having trouble related to 2 permissions on my server:
Permission 1 has both group add and remove power of 75 and Needed group add and remove power of 75
Permission 2 has both group add and remove power of 74 and Needed group add and remove power of 75
Permission 3 has both group add and remove power of 10 and Needed group add and remove power of 10

The problem is: A client with Permission 1 can add Permission 2 to a client but cant remove it, why?
Plus: Both Permission 1 and 2 cant add or remove Permission 3 to/from a client. What am I doing wrong?

My guess because of the description: Group 1 and 2 do not have permission b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions enabled or SKIP flag set on add / remove power.


But 1: How can they not have permission if they can add a permission but not take it away if the add and remove power is the same?
But 2: How can they not add a permission that requires 10 add power if they have 74 and 75?

Without a permissions overview is could be another server group, channel group or client permission or channel client permission.