Server ts5 afk room

How can I make it so that it is impossible to speak in the AFK room and a plus is given to the group of the room with a certain icon?

if there is a possibility in TS5, is it possible when you set the status to go away, so that you are thrown into the AFK room (bots work in TS5, then which ones?)

I still don’t understand how this is all implemented in TS5

And is it also possible to somehow copy existing roles so as not to assign rights to them?

Снимок экрана 2024-09-05 013020

Set the Needed Talk Power to say 100, and anyone who has a talk power below 100 cannot talk in that channel.

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It has not been added yet, it should be in one of the next updates. But what you can do is connect to the ts5 server through the ts3 client and set up groups.