ServerQuery login

Hello! I’m new to teamspeak, i downloaded putty and i entered the serverquery interface of my server, but it doesn’t ask for a login. So anyone could probably enter my interface. How do i solve that? Thanks.

i have already tried going in tools-serverquery login but it doesn’t change anything

anyway i have it hosted on my pc if it can help

oh wait, i solved that. I just wrote login username password, But when i try a command it says error id=2568 msg=insufficient\sclient\spermissions failed_permid=3

Well if you connect to query, you are considered as guest until you use login command.

error id 2568 (as msg says) means that you dont have permissions to perform used command
If you want all permissions, login as admin query (username: serveradmin and password is given in console when teamspeak server starts first time)

If you are not familiar with CLI, try to use YaTQA