DarkenTS and DarkenTS - Dissension have been updated. This release mainly adds support for changes in the TeamSpeak Client Release 3.5.0.
Notable Changes
- Added active badge showcase to client infoframe templates - Thank you, ScP!
- Added customisation for (previously hardcoded) colours of hyperlinks, and friend/foe/recording indicator - Thank you, ScP!
- Added ID lookup on ts3index.com to clientinfo.tpl and serverinfo.tpl - Thank you, @D0mm4S.
- Added IP lookup on ts3index.com to serverinfo.tpl templates
- Added notice to recording user in clientinfo.tpl template
- Added display of Channel Commander and Priority Speaker in clientinfo.tpl in order to improve accessibility. - Thank you, ScP!
- Changed position of audio status symbols and avatar in client infoframe template - Thank you, ScP!
- Readded icons to certain information in infoframe templates to fit the general theme that changed with the addition of badge display and change in audio status display
- Display of Voice Data Encryption in channel infoframe templates improved
- Display of Talk Power Request in clientinfo.tpl improved
- Style of Account Recovery Dialogue improved - Thank you, @DuDuNS!
- Display of Temp Channel Deletion Message in channelinfo.tpl improved
- Changed Checkboxes to TS5 style - DarkenTS - Dissension exclusive
- Changed Radiobox style to fit the Checkbox changes - DarkenTS - Dissension exclusive
Due to the quite extensive changes to the info templates, I created three different versions to fit hopefully all needs. As usual, you can apply the desired Info Displays via the method explained in the topic starter. Extended Info Display Exclusive!
Due to the present situation, the current versions will not be available via myTeamSpeak for now, but via third-party hosting. For this inconvenience I apologise.
Please note: If you would like to update DarkenTS via myTeamSpak, you may have to expect that this might take several months.
DarkenTS | DarkenTS - Dissension |
![]() Download (v 1.7.2) |
![]() Download (v 1.2.2) |
Thank you for using DarkenTS
As always, please leave any feedback you might have.