So I created a community

Hi, I’m a completely newbie in TS. I’m excited with the new additions and the recent update. I purchased and created a community. What is next, are we waiting for Server files or something like that? I cannot find a FAQ about this new communities feature. It’s also kinda difficult to find a proper guide to setup a TS6 server.

Can you help? Many thanks!

Hello, a BETA of TS6 released only some hours ago. There is no doc and no server’s files YET. But the staff told that it will come soon :slight_smile:
Keep in mind that it is only a beta.

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Thanks for the information. So Basically I just need to sync my community with a local server hosted by me to make it work right when TS6 server is released? right?

no the community is a ts6 server its bit buggy rn but you can install a ts3 server on your local hardware or use a VPS provider