[Solved] Hosting a TS3 Server at home

Hey! I’m fairly new at this whole hosting thing, so I do have a few questions. Here’s the full story:

I have my own domain that I use to host a minecraft server, and it points toward my public ip. That way I can give that out instead of just handing out my public IP just in case anybody wants to join the server. Lately, discord has been pissing me off, so I want to switch to team speak (Far superior in terms of quality). Ive been able to port forward on 25565 for MC and 10011 and 30033 for TS3, but I cant get 9987 to open properly. I contacted my ISP and they said everything looked fine on their end, no firewall blocks and nothing setup incorrectly. I used a port checker and it says 25565, 30033, and 10011 are all open and working, but 9987 isn’t. I have heard that they cant check UDP ports so I had my buddy try and join, but he couldn’t.

That being said, I believe the problem to be one of two things. Either A.) The port isn’t actually open and I have to figure it out, or B.) The server isnt listening on the correct ip (I checked the log_1 file and it says its listening on, which makes no sense to me but I dont know enough to argue about it lol).

There is a third option, option C.) Im big brain and have no clue what Im doing and I broke it.

I would love to have some help if anybody could, I really do appreciate it! Let me know what information you need from me and Ill be glad to supply it!


Blockquote Well you have to do only 2 basic things for your friends being able to join your server.

Step 1

(1) open your Windows (defender) firewall settings
(2) click on the link which is highlighted red in my screenshot


(3) click the confirm settings button
(4) click the allow another program button
(5) browse to your server directory and select your ts3server.exe


Step 2

Forward the ports the server needs to your PC the server runs on in your router.


Which ports does the TeamSpeak 3 server use?

TeamSpeak 3 Clients will contact the server in the following ways: Service Protocol Local Port (Server) Remote Port (Client) Voice UDP 9987 …

Watch out not to accidentally swap TCP/UDP ports.

Your friends can join your server now just by entering your IP address.

If you don’t know your IP address click on the link:
