Spacer with heading

Hallo ich habe zum ersten mal ein eigenen Server mein Kollege hat schon einen wie im linken Bild ich wollte genau denn selben machen nun sieht er wie Rechte aus aber ich möchte natürlich das dazwischen die Leisten sind und mit den namen darüber wie Adminbereich Public und so weiter kann mir jemand zeigen wie es funktioniert am besten mit ein kurzes Video wäre dankbar für eure hilfe :wink:

Hello, I have my own server for the first time. My colleague already has one like the one in the picture on the left. I wanted to make exactly the same one. Now it looks like rights but of course I want the bars in between and with the names above like admin area public and so on. Can someone show me how it works, preferably with a short video? I would be grateful for your help :wink:

There are serveral spacers:

  1. [cspacer0] - Centered spacer
  2. [lspacer0] - Left spacer
  3. [rspacer0] - Right spacer
  4. [*spacer0]_ This spacer repeats the same character until the end. (I put the underscore as a sign, you can put whatever you want.)

In order to make, say, the exact same spacer when it comes to lines, you have to change the number at the end to make it different from the previous one. I like to start from number 0. (You can write any number you want, they just have to be different)

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Unfortunately I can’t find anything that says anything about cspacer. I can only find what is in the picture but nothing else. Do you have any pictures where I can find it and set it up?

You need to set that as the channel name before the text. Everything in the brackets will not be visible so only the desired “effect” is visible.

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Unfortunately it doesn’t help me because I hardly knew anything about it before with the old TS. I managed to do a lot of things, but with the new one I don’t understand it at all :((( I can’t do more than create rooms :cry:

You need to name the channel for example

→ as explained from @opZ1ca you if you need multiple channels with a line, you need to add a number inside the brackets

I managed to get the admin area in the middle, how do I make the straight line underneath it look like the red line?

Create a new channel and name it like this:

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Now I just need some help :wink: how do I make a channel as the main channel where you can come straight in when you come into ts :wink:

Just check the check mark - Use as default channel

Thanks for your help and quick answers, now everything is ready :))) I wish you all the best and thank you again