Streaming P2P/Server


can you only stream P2P? I can’t pick the server option.
Is it not possible?

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The server has to enable the feature, and at the moment these public servers dont have it.

Do servers purchased directly through teamspeak not have this option as well? I can’t see the option to enable streaming to server rather than P2P

Also does not work on the purchased Community Servers at the moment.

(So i guess coming soon, would also need more Bandwidth so it makes sense to not enable it at the moment with the huge increase in Users and hosted Servers)

Its not working on purchased community servers.

I have read that this is not currently implemented.

And yes, P2P is not very secure in IP anonymity… and very CPU-demanding if you have a group chat.

I think TS will release the SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit) as soon as possible.

Then the server would take care of distributing the streams to other Group Clients and not TeamSpeak Client.