Suggestion: Minimize / Close to tray

In TS3 we can minimize TeamSpeak window from ts3 icon so we can reduce unwanted window. Same feature I would like to suggest add in TeamSpeak 5 also.

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By design this is now a client setting and no longer available in context menu.


Add an option to settings if you close TeamSpeak 5 it will only get minimized to tray.

We are happy to read that you never like to close the client :smiley:

…but what’s the point of the Minimize function then?

Edit: If it is only about minimize to tray please read following (must expand for the image)


To be honest i just wanna close the client to not be in the background but still wanna use it for voice chat. If i wanna use teamspeak to chat or anything like that then i can open it up with a double click and that’s all. It can be distracting in the background if you are doing several things at the same time. (multitasking)
Ahh i see thanks!

Edit: Tbh my problem is i just click on X to minimize it by reflex. ROFL

Thanks for the very fast reply! Love you all! I am just waiting for these upcoming things: Mobile App, Server Wide chat and Screenshare.

Then you can change “on Minimize” to “on Close”
But please read the warning!!!


If i select the On Close at Hide Teamspeak in Taskbar my problem is solved but i got a new issue. Is there anyway to disable this message? Problem is the Windows pops this up and makes a loud Windows noise which is irritating. Thanks for the answer in advance!

Edit: Yes i found the “On Close” settings before you wrote this reply but thanks!

By turning off Windows Notification sounds or change focus assist.
Or by turning off all notifications comming from TeamSpeak.


It worked thanks for your help! Have a good day for you! You can close this thread.

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Bye bye :slight_smile:

moved conversation to matching forum thread.


On my current NixOS with KDE desktop, I can’t see a tray icon and would have assumed that TeamSpeak would display it by default. Other programs also display it without any problem, including other Electron applications.

Just out of curiosity, how can the option to minimize to the system tray be enabled in Linux in general? It seems that a tray icon and these settings only appear for one of my friends using Windows in an additional submenu. Why is this submenu not existent for Linux systems, or did I miss something?

Since TeamSpeak is now based on the Electron platform, this functionality should be supported out of the box, just like countless other similar apps do it.

As mentioned in this post, I’ve added the setting "application.minimize_to_tray": true to the ~/.config/TeamSpeak/Default/preferences.json file.

This means that the window actually disappears as intended and can no longer be found among the open windows. Unfortunately, without the tray icon, there is no way to restore the TS6 window again.

TeamSpeak does not user electron but plain CEF.

As you found, it can’t as it is not implemented.

Probably because tray behaviour is far from standardised on linux (especially Wayland). No one can agree on how - or even if - this should exist. Thus implementing any protocol might work on KWin, but not Mutter. Tbh, I can see how this is not worth implementing from TeamSpeaks perspective.

Again, it is not.

Yeah, I expect TeamSpeak just kills the window handle.

Forcing platform unavailable settings may yield undesirable results, this feels somewhat expected.


It isn’t available on Linux - for what some might say - a good reason. Personally, I just move unwanted windows to my window managers scratchpad.

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Wow, thanks for the quick response, didn’t expect that!

TeamSpeak does not user electron but plain CEF.

Ah, that explains a bit.

As you found, it can’t as it is not implemented.

Hmm that’s still very strange, since this has been a feature in TeamSpeak 3 for a long time and never really posed a problem.

Probably because tray behaviour is far from standardised on linux (especially Wayland). No one can agree on how - or even if - this should exist. Thus implementing any protocol might work on KWin, but not Mutter.

Well, just supporting KDE or Gnome would be a start. If you then simply link against a library like libappindicator, you have already achieved that and probably support a whole lot of other DEs. Package maintainers can simply add it as a dependency. Those who download the client manually probably have it too most of the time.

But it is also somewhat surprising that such a simple function is not available for an entire class of systems. Often the systems also support alternative or older standards. For example, my KDE also displays tray icons for GTK applications without any hassle. Also for X-Windows.

Tbh, I can see how this is not worth implementing from TeamSpeaks perspective.

But it’s not an extravagant functionality. Even the old TS3 client has been able to do this for a long time. I wouldn’t be surprised if it still has an outdated implementation, but it still works.

It will also be difficult to take something away from the big competitor as long as the client has even fewer features than its own predecessor.

Forcing platform unavailable settings may yield undesirable results, this feels somewhat expected.

In the absence of source code and detailed information, there is not much choice but to piece everything together. Of course, I realize that this is not an official solution.

If I hadn’t asked a good friend of mine to try TS6 on Windows again, I wouldn’t know that a whole submenu is missing and what it should look like. At first I assumed it was a packaging mistake, it seemed too unlikely to be a non-existent feature from the TS5 era like in the screenshot above.
(By the way, he hasn’t been able to open TS6 for a long time and only tried it because I asked. He had to run it as admin for it to open :thinking:)

It isn’t available on Linux - for what some might say - a good reason.

Don’t agree. It’s also very basic.

especially Wayland

Yes, I saw that the client is not really prepared for Wayland. Although many systems already use this as standard.

The overlays for the settings dropdowns don’t work. The DE also puts a window frame around it by default. I could override and remove it via window rules, but programs could deactivate the automatic server-side window decorations themselves if necessary.

If anyone is interested, here is a command to start under Wayland instead of X-Wayland.

TeamSpeak --ozone-platform=wayland --ozone-platform-hint=auto --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations