September 3, 2021, 3:26pm
Hi everyone, this is just a quick message to inform you that as of now we’re not currently accepting new addons for the TS3 client. We want to do this properly, but at the moment because all our attention is on the new TeamSpeak client, we can’t divert enough time to do it the way it needs to be done. Having said that, all existing approved addons and themes that are already uploaded to the myTeamSpeak website, can still be updated.
If anyone has new addons you can submit them on this forum like a couple of you have already done, we just will not be hosting and/or approving them at the present time.
We’re looking at a new way of hosting/displaying addons, but for now–as previously mentioned–the TeamSpeak client is the priority.
Many thanks
This is the current statement. But as @Gamer92000 already said, if you want to publish a new addon or theme or something else, then please create a new Thread about this.
Please do not upload a copy or modified version of an already existing addon.