Teamspeak 3 docker image does not start when using a mount volume

I am using the latest official docker image.

When I start the container without a mount then the server starts correctly. However, when I add a mount path to an azure storage with file share then the server gets stuck and creates a sqlite database with 0kb and does nothing from then.

The server can make a logs directory and write log files to the file system so this is not an issue with missing write permissions.

This is the deployment command where nothing will happen (first sreenshot)

az container create --name soulquest-teamspeak --resource-group SoulquestOnline --image teamspeak --vnet Soulquest-Virtual-Network --vnet-address-prefix --subnet default --subnet-address-prefix --restart-policy OnFailure --azure-file-volume-account-name soulquestteamspeakdata --azure-file-volume-account-key XgWkOcMOb6Il4cIY+1SZc9B1jpM+WIJlGb3GnIoFiX84YcWZ6BOR7l+2gvjiFOkR1LaGB8FfDIqt+55Jc+IlmA== --azure-file-volume-share-name soulquestshare --ports 9978 30033 10011 10022 10080 10443 41144 --environment-variables TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept

This is the command which will work (second screenshot)

az container create --name soulquest-teamspeak3 --resource-group SoulquestOnline --image teamspeak --vnet Soulquest-Virtual-Network --vnet-address-prefix --subnet default --subnet-address-prefix --restart-policy OnFailure --ports 9978 30033 10011 10022 10080 10443 41144 --environment-variables TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept