TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta75

Update 5.0.0-beta75 is unfortunately a bit of a mess right now.
It causes the appearance menu to not load at all, regardless of whether any user themes were loaded or not.

And like Gamer92000 says.
It automatically generates 2 files and 2 folders onto the desktop.
That being the MediaDeviceSalts, MediaDeviceSalts-journal, DawnCache and GPUCache.

Didn’t see debug.log being generated onto my desktop though.
And if you delete them after exiting TeamSpeak, it will generate them again the next time you boot it up.

I hope this can be quickly fixed.
Otherwise, it would have been better to stay on Update 5.0.0-beta74 for me personally.


Can you provide more details on this? Several installations run fine and open the view correctly.

It may be a better from a usability standpoint, but due the potential threat from CVE-2023-4863, the release of the beta was carried out earlier than planned. Therefore I would not recommend downgrading regardless of the fact, that the Client automatically updates to the latest version every time it is restarted.
→ there are ways to bypass the updater, but I don’t think they are an option for everyone.

Am I the only one who doesn’t have anything in the (Appearance) section?

No longer do I see anything

@Karazhan you are not alone with the problem 3 of my friends have the same problem. i hope this will be fixed quickly

@DEtrees @Karazhan @MazAXaka @Optimus_Bull

I found the reason why the appearance settings were not opening. In your files you should see a preferences.json

On Windows it is here → %AppData%\TeamSpeak\Default
On Linux it is here → ~/.config/TeamSpeak/Default/
On macOS it is here → ~/Library/Preferences/TeamSpeak/Default/
(Default is your default Profile for TeamSpeak if nothing else is specified.

In this file you should specify the language of choice. Either German or English:

If it is empty or does not exist just add this or create the file and add this:

{"application.language":"en"} [ENGLISH] or {"application.language":"de"} [GERMAN]

If there is already something inside, you’ll need to format the content like this:

{"application.language":"en","application.mute_mic_on_lock":true} [ENGLISH] or {"application.language":"de","application.mute_mic_on_lock":true} [GERMAN]
→ this is just an example and may be different depending on your settings. Just make sure you’ll place the language part inside the curly braces with a comma spacing the other setting parts.


@LeonMarcelHD all my friends do not have such a file there. the only file we have in the folder is placement.json

Just create the file

@LeonMarcelHD it works thank you :heart:

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since 5.0.0-beta75 various files are created on the desktop at app start. I can’t delete them until i close the app. They will be recreated when i start the app again.

Here is a list:

  • DawnCache → data_0, data_1, data_2, data_3, index
  • GPUCache → data_0, data_1, data_2, data_3, index
  • MediaDeviceSalts
  • MediaDeviceSalts-journal

These are created because they updated the CEF Version of the TeamSpeak Client as there has been a potential threat from CVE-2023-4863, therefore the release of the beta was carried out earlier than planned and this has been overlooked, as not everyone has these files on their desktop.

That did fix the appearance menu not showing.

Now we just need a fix for the program constantly generating those 4 or 5 files on to the desktop that Gamer92000 and me mentioned earlier.

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we have to keep the files on the desktop?

You can delete them, but they will come back. So useless to remove them.

At the next update the files will no longer appear?

I hope/think so

Hi ho,

We can reproduce will fix in beta 76 (release should happen this week)…

…that files and folders get generated on Desktop.

Temp fix for that:

  1. Make a right click on the Client shortcut
  2. Choose open file location
  3. Make a right click on the binary TeamSpeak
  4. Choose to create a shortcut
  5. Use this Shortcut for now

In case your client is installed in program files, then you may need to move/copy the whole client till beta 76 is out to fix the issue

This will generate the files in folder in Client folder (which is also wrong but better than desktop) till we bring as fix in beta 76.

…that the Appearance dialog is empty

This happens when System Region is not English or German and language never was set manually.


Good morning,

When I try to go to the “Appearance” tab, nothing appears and I don’t know where the problem is coming from.

I completely uninstalled and reinstalled Teamspeak 5 several times, but the problem persists.

Does anyone have a solution?
Thank you in advance for your answers and your help.

Best regards.

Good morning,

I don’t see the file you mentioned.