We’d like to tell you that Beta 77 was released.
This version adds the feature to send files in channel chats on TS3 and latest TS5 server.
This does not require any special server version, setup or port forwarding. It will work as long your TS5 client can reach our myTS services.
Here is the full change log (differs a bit from client to present latest state
Added file transfer drag and drop support for files < 5 MB
Added file transfer drag and drop support for folders
Added tooltip to emojis showing the emoji code
Added YouTube Shorts embed
Added discovery button to bookmark section
Added channel chat to the activity area on TS3 servers as well
Added Client List to server context menu in the sidebar
Added translations for Serbian, Spanish and Chinese
Show Enable microphone in the context menu of server connections
Fixed dashboard input on Mac being too large
Fixed show more in the changelog overlapping the changelog on the dashboard
Fixed reactions disappearing when editing a message
Fixed categories moving around when a scrollbar appears in the sidebar
Fixed cursor being in the wrong position when pasting text in some cases
Fixed not being able to download files in some situations
Fixed replies to big messages being cut off
Fixed file browser not showing the correct date on legacy servers
Fixed horizontal scroll bar appearing unnecessarily
Fixed delete file / folder warning asking for deleting files when selecting folders and vice versa
Fixed shared server tooltips being cut off
Fixed reaction overview not showing the emoji reacted with
Fixed translations for removing chats
Fixed not being able to attach files on some servers
Fixed the wrong server being selected on startup when using auto connect and having multiple server connections
Fixed showing the wrong microphone icon on top of the server tree if the microphone is hardware muted
Fixed not being able to drag and drop sidebar section
Fixed title bar mute buttons getting out of sync in some cases
Fixed drag and drop chat overlay being misaligned when the chat section is very small
Fixed sidebar showing expand indicator when it would not do anything because the client window is too small
Fixed client not closing correctly after having connected to some servers
Fixed mute icons in activity being lost after having lost connection to the server
Fixed colors in slim mode being different than full mode
Fixed client failing to login when already logged in on another device
Fixed user context menu not opening in chats, when connected to some servers that have query clients connected
Fixed a bunch of translation related errors
Fixed channel chat mention menu erroneously showing loading users
Fixed settings not closing in some scenarios on some systems
Fixed user filter not resetting correctly in create group chat dialog
Removed expander from the sidebar when all tabs are in a single section
Removed check for updates button on the dashboard
Changed visuals of the sidebar and tweaked the extended click area for expanding and collapsing sections
Changed tooltip of title bar mute icons to not mention ALT on mac
Changed monospace font to Consolas if available
Translate some more texts
Other Topic:
Fixing all the chirping, distortion when listening to clients is still in development and not ready to be released.
Notes for this thread
- Feedback as per always is welcome in this thread . Issues that are not related to this update belong to it’s own thread.
- We suggest to place your wishes for upcoming releases in existing or new threads in the suggestion area instead of the release thread. We mention this because each update post will be closed after some days and the wish or suggestion could be lost.
- We allow ourselves to delete all the off-topic posts from this thread.