Teamspeak 5/6 “Debug.log” file

Hello everyone.

Every time I open Teamspeak 5, a text file is created in my Windows desktop.
I send you a screenshot of the text.
I have totally uninstalled and re-installed Teamspeak 5 several times, but this problem is still there.

Could you tell me some advantages of this problem, how can I solve it? Thank you.

“Le chemin d’accès est introuvable” like in English "
The specified path was not found."

Best regards and Happy New Year 2021 to all of you.

First of all, it is enough if you create one post about it and not several in different categories.

Secondly, I personally don’t have a debug file on my desktop, so I can’t help you on that.


I can confirm that, a Debug.log file is on my Desktop too



First, a sign of politeness will be welcome, a hello does not hurt anyone.

Thank you for your answers, I will try not to create multiple tickets for nothing.

My greetings.


Have you found any solutions? Do you at least know why we have this?

Best regards.

i find maybe a possible workaround for this: If the debug file keeps popping back on your desktop, you can hide it and make it read-only. In this manner, it will no longer be visible on your screen. At the same time, the OS or the program that initially created it won’t be able to update it or generate it again.

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Thank you very much. x)

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The teamspeak 5 client creates a debug.log file on my desktop, can I turn that file spam off?

Content of the file:
[0107/] FindFirstFile: Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. (0x3)
[0108/] FindFirstFile: Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. (0x3)bandicam 2021-01-08 21-14-43-043

This is a known bug in Chromium and we have to wait till they fix it.
Then we can add their fix.


The Debug File will be created on both Clients in TeamSpeak 3 and TeamSpeak 5

This should not be possible with default client.
There is no Chromium in TS3 .


THis issue just reappeared again after updating to TS 6.0 beta2:

[0122/] Crash reporting enabled for process: browser
[0122/] Crash reporting enabled for process: utility
[0122/] Crash reporting enabled for process: utility

When I used TS5, this file wasn’t generated on my desktop. After updating to TS6 today, it started generating this file automatically, and I can’t find where to disable it.
[0127/] Crash reporting enabled for process: browser [0127/] Crash reporting enabled for process: utility [0127/] Crash reporting enabled for process: utility