TeamSpeak 5 - plans 2024/2025?

Yeh, and the point is that people on forums care about TeamSpeak, but if company would have a few active developers, they should deliver at least bug fixes, you cant get salary and deliver nothing… I work as web developer and Im responsible for my tasks and deadlines… there is no updates at all, people report new issues and nothing is fixed… It was communicated in 2023 that there is a year of screenshare / video integration, delayed cant be more than 1 year.

I really hope that Im wrong and they will shut my mouth, but silence and no updates make me really pesimistic about the future, thats why l think we deserve truth. @SYOX

Well, business-wise, e-sports teams are not the be-all and end-all. So, we all know how it’ll end: a niche product trying to PR its way back, only to fade into nothingness. Pity.

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Who can I talk to about helping the development of this software? Is it funding? Is it developers needed? There’s a couple things I’d like to see done and stable.

We mostly use Discord for a couple things:

  1. file sharing
  2. text
  3. calendar/events
  4. buy/sell/trade/ideas forums

Wanted to see where this is in the priority list an what I could do to help expedite the forums part of possible.

Of course. You made this post in July 2022, it’s 2024 and nothing has changed, do you understand me?
You can’t ask for much either.
TeamSpeak died as soon as Discord was released.
Today, September 17th, nothing has changed and the only thing TS knows how to do is bring up stupid memes attacking Discord. Shameful, right?
2 years have passed and they haven’t brought any improvements, nothing at all.

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You got confused by weird date formats in this forum.

The fancy scroll bar says 22nd of July 2024, but the post is actually from 23rd of July 2024.

That’s what you get in 2024. Everything looks “cool” but usability goes out the window. Almost like TeamSpeak itself.


In all honesty I do think this project is “dead”, but they are desperately trying to convince users otherwise out of the hope that they will find more developers. Unfortunately, not communicating with the users nearly at all is not going to help the situation any. In fact, the only thing active about TeamSpeak at this point is their Twitter/X account, which is posting memes and sarcastic images to show how dead the project actually is, with at least one comment from their own page jokingly saying that the person making the posts is the only one left on the team. At this point, it seems like even they feel their own project is dead…

Edit. Here ya go:

It’s dead and has been dead or on life support. The developers responses when sincerely asking for clarity or information directly on the Beta chat room is negative at best and hostile at worst. I was told directly to “hack us” when asking about broken features and why they are broken/when they will be fixed. Theyre “fixed on an internal version”. They probably only care about their corporate contacts and eSport licensing, if thats even how they make money anymore. Don’t hold your breath, people :frowning:


*I don’t really know where to start…

Chapter 1 - Communication

I understand all of your frustrations. TeamSpeak has always kept most of their communication out of the public. Especially in the last year it has been super quiet. The various managers of the company have never had a clear vision forward and have randomly stewed the boat in the ocean.

This also frustrates me. Even though I have frequent contact with people at TeamSpeak or get updates as an Alpha user.

I hope this communication issue can be resolved in the future.

Chapter 2 - Lack of updates / waiting for screen share

As announced on 𝕏 / Twitter, Screen Share was meant to be released by now, but due to some complications, development time was unnecessarily invested, resulting in a massive setback. Note that they are currently not even 20 people

But over the last few months they have made up for the setback and released the first test version of Screen Share on Aug 29th.

About 20 people are currently testing it and providing feedback to further improve the user experience for a Beta release. This feedback is clearly needed as our bug reporting tool has ~70 entries.

Chapter 3 - Forum / Support

As noticed in recent months, interactions here on the forum are low and mostly not from staff. @TS.ChrisR has been the main maintainer of the forum and is no longer working for TeamSpeak, which means that other people now have to maintain the forum, even though they have their own things they need to get done.

*The reason why he no longer works for TeamSpeak is not relevant. It is probably best not to mention it here.

Chapter 4 - 𝕏 / Twitter

The 𝕏 / Twitter account has moved on from posting only change logs / update-related content. Engagement is much higher than before, as you can clearly see. The account was regularly losing followers. The content was not interesting for many people.

If you are not interested in memes or random posts, then quietly unfollow and stop complaining. After talking to the Social Media Manager, it’s likely that the main account won’t be going back to updating / posting news. They’ll likely be using @TeamSpeakDEV instead.

Chapter 5 - Currently Open Issues / Reports

I’m trying to forward this internally and hope to get an official response soon.
I can’t confirm or deny any issues with MariaDB/MySQL as that is not my area of interest.

This issue will likely be addressed at some point. TS has about 0.03% Mac users. And knowing how hostile Apple is to developers… It will probably take a considerable amount of time to get in touch with Apple and fix the “malware” problem…

To end this post I would like to say that all executing employees (Devs / QAs / SMM / CMM) I have talked to we’re people like us (trust me). From what I have seen, they are doing everything in their power to deliver the best product.



I cant believe that the X account is used by Teamspeak anymore - it looks as it have been taken over - even the yellow verified symbol is missing - the blue one can be purchased by everyone. :thinking:

I’m very interested in helping TeamSpeak with the development of the new client. Please let me know how I can get involved.

Is alpha version of TeamSpeak updating or is it like it was released at august 29th?

From the psychology aspect, no news about updates are frustrating to all loyal users.

I’m a bit shocked, there’s so much happening out here in the world and it’s all extremely fast-moving due to social media in particular.

Absolutely nothing has happened since the last time I used TeamSpeak xD

How does SYOX earn money if you don’t do anything anymore, do you only concentrate on B2B for large corporations? When will the TeamSpeak product be discontinued with the support of updates, is that already the case…

RIP :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy: :sweat:

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From my understanding, they have several contracts with corporate game service companies that provide them a flow of cash, as mentioned by several others throughout the forum. Honestly I don’t think they even care about us anymore. It has been discussed in several topics throughout the forum, however it seems some have decided to remove a few of those discussions without reasoning. At this point I’ve already been forced to shut down my own server for security reasons, as it is clear that the TeamSpeak developers, (if any still even exist), no longer care about updating their own product. They even make jokes about it on Twitter/X, which some continue to defend as being comedic advertising despite clearly being anti-TeamSpeak…


WHAT IF, Teamspeak is already bought by discord and it’s just PR.

Honestly, there isn’t any ■■■■■■■ update in nearly a Year, that’s an absolute joke.
There are several software projects out there, which are ran by just a single person, that receive atleast an update every 3-6 months. Most of the time you get updated on the update status and so on, if anything is delayed.

But here? Honestly, it’s frustrating.

I also don’t get why the NPL were scrapped. Also a huge bummer for me (and i think a lot of others aswell.

Guys, you were the big player back in the days (TS3 with Americas Army and so on)
I think you have rested on your monopoly position for too long and have failed to integrate all the new features into your, otherwise very good, software.

Oh and before i forget, if leonmarcel jumps in like “ThErE aRe UpDaTes”: Come on buddy, i know you’re an TS enthusiast, maybe even have closed beta or whatever insights, but even you have to agree this is an absolute catastrophic behaviour from the devs.

Also to the Devs: Don’t come with “we are working hard” or “give us a billion dollar investor” Just look over at other great software managed by literally just one dude.

I understand your point. Communication to the outside world is questionable, but things are happening behind the scenes and currently Screenshare is being tested by the Alpha testers!


Yeah, that’s great… oh wait, wasn’t it announced in 2022 that they add it and even in 2023 they ALSO said “it’s the year of…” (atleast on X/Twitter the did)

In all honesty, it’s an absolute joke.

Exactly this is, what ppl are upset about, alpha tester or even beta tester are more communicative than the devs themself.

They showed nearly a year about NOTHING in progress, except for “Trust us, we’re still developing/working on it”

I even tested TS5 in Alpha state (or was it closed beta, don’t remember it’s, no pun intended, way too long ago) but kind of lost interest after seeing the speed of progress.
After i hyped nearly all of my mates, only to get absolutely frustrated.

If anyone can remember: When did the closed beta Start? I was in the 2nd or 3rd wave.
Was it 2018/2019/2020?

It’s not the job of the devs to show progress tbf.

Well, if not the devs who else should show some progress?
The critic is getting so loud and it seems like they want to “sit it out”.
Teamspeak is more seen like the “challenged kid” nowadays by most ppl.

To be honest, from a business point of view, official updates on the development process are urgently needed.
Be it a roadmap, a dev-letter or a video. ANYTHING.

No officiall communication in almost a year is just unprofessional.

It is the social media team’s job to pass things on to the community. But I agree that there should be some kind of statement that is not: Yes, we are still working on it. I don’t think a roadmap makes sense for several reasons. The fact that there was no official communication is also not quite true, it was written in the forum from time to time or teased on Twitter

The roadmap was just in there for an example.

But to be clear:
Why don’t they show progress and even issues at the current state, so that ppl. would understand what’s happening.

On top of that: Why on earth are some features, which already exist on the TS3 Client, not in the TS5 client?!
When i start a beta AND also have a working stable client, for the love of everyone, please put that features in. It isn’t like i’ve never had those and have to implement them from scratch.

Just imagine like a game and they bring out a Beta-Branch but drops things like customizing your charactor or deactivate the console (wanted to talk about SAP but gaming will be more understandable for the most) ppl would go nuts.
And yeah, i know that developing isn’t drag’n’drop.

The most missed thing, for me, is Opus Music, man i know so many ppl. nowadays with pretty awesome setups, which are sounding extremely good on that.
The Sad thing is, most ppl i know won’t use teamspeak anymore, because well the easy of use of DC (negative aspact from privacy and data security aside)

What i learned in my wokring life:
“standstill is the first step backwards”

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