TeamSpeak 5 - plans 2024?

Thats the most recent post regarding a update.

There hasn’t been other posts which explain what’s going on. A time frame for a release has not been announced.


It sounds like a joke. I can’t see any way to implement this with the current structure of the Teamspeak server. They should either provide the necessary servers for screen sharing and other features as a paid or free option through their Teamspeak service, or customers would need to increase their server budget by at least 5x to have this feature work perfectly.

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I think they’re simply taking the heads down approach and focusing on their work. They don’t want to make any other promises, or what might be assumed to be a promise, so they’re refraining from comment until they have results.

They still have people working for the business, they’re still developing, and I’m sure when the time comes, the TS5 server that will be the backbone of their new features will be well worth the wait. It’s better this way to reduce distractions from PR nonsense that doesn’t really impact the product experience.

As much as I personally wish there was some communication, it’s not the end of the world. Let’s not be dramatic. I have always loved TeamSpeak and look forward to its future as a competitor to Discord.

And this is coming from someone that complained back in 21. Obviously with the silence, they are working on a big overhaul. Let’s wait and see and hopefully something wonderful comes to fruition!

That’s just naive…
Control of the company changed last year and I don’t believe there is anything currently in development.

Why are you saying that the Developments are not progressing? What you are saying is not true. Please do not make false claims.

Do you have any evidence that the development has stopped completely? I don’t think so. Development is continuing and I think we can look forward to some very cool features in the new TeamSpeak client in the future. :slight_smile:

Well, I said “believe”. There are more than enough clues (not evidences) suggesting that it stopped. Hence, I think I am free to believe that it indeed fully stopped. But, I am happy to see any evidence proving me wrong.

There is zero evidence that suggested it stopped. The TeamSpeak twitter account also mentioned updates “soon” only a month or so ago. The workforce at TeamSpeak has expanded, and clearly they aren’t just going to let the product die as there is money to be made in this space!

I’m eagerly awaiting the new server update which they have been working on and the TS5 plugin sdk so we can continue to build on the platform.


Just wanted to chime in for a moment.

We are actively working on the TeamSpeak Client, so rest assured, it is not abandoned. I understand the frustration caused by the lack of a public roadmap and communication about future plans (I’ve been there myself, as a community member). Previously, we aimed for transparency about the client’s development and upcoming features, but we often couldn’t fulfill those promises. We don’t want to repeat that mistake or disappoint you with unmet expectations.

The entire team is hard at work, and we have listened to and read all comments and feedback suggestions across all platforms.

I know this is probably not the answer most of you were looking for, but it’s all I can give you at the moment.

Thank you for your patience and continuous support, we truly appreciate it.


Unfortunately TeamSpeak now disappoints users with not telling any updates anymore, this has a even worse end result in my opinion.

Take as example your post here with no content but at least anything, it had definitely a good effect.

How about creating or telling realistic plans instead, which you can fulfill? If you can’t do that your project must be in a state where you are unable to control the development as you essentially say “guys it is so complex, our team is so small, we don’t know when and if we get anything out of the release door”.

Think about it.


what if they are making a BIG move?

In order to make a point their move should be TREMENDOUSLY HUGE, what’s nearly impossible nowadays, people are overfed with features and possibilities. This situation TS vs Discord reminds me of “Star Citizen” vs “Elite Dangerous”, where ED took a steady “step-by-step” approach and already successful gamers-wise, while SC is took a “perfectionist” way, being hugely successful money-wise.
Seriously, Discord is already a de facto standart platform, used for gaming and business purposes, integrated with lots of products, including PSn, Xbox, Steam, etc., while TS in proud silence is keep loosing user and customer base. Remarkable.

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We all know who TeamSpeak customers are and they aren’t average users; it’s e-sports teams.

Well, business-wise, e-sports teams are not the be-all and end-all. So, we all know how it’ll end: a niche product trying to PR its way back, only to fade into nothingness. Pity.

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Who can I talk to about helping the development of this software? Is it funding? Is it developers needed? There’s a couple things I’d like to see done and stable.

We mostly use Discord for a couple things:

  1. file sharing
  2. text
  3. calendar/events
  4. buy/sell/trade/ideas forums

Wanted to see where this is in the priority list an what I could do to help expedite the forums part of possible.