on older versions it works
My Badges
They will be available when they figured out the legalities. And that’s an official answer from TimSpeak too which I received weeks ago.
new badges in this year?
or not yet?
any info?
maybe next a valentin badge 2020 or something?
nooo waaay xD
rly or you just kidding me? :'D
From what I heard, it should be real ^^
Can confirm
Got home, opened TeamSpeak, saw this:
Opened TeamSpeak 3:
Restarted TS a few times because it should be like TS3
Now I miss Tim’s pink head and my badge showcase does no longer work how I want it.
When to wait for a new icon code?)
Added new badge “Valentim’s day 2020”
Maybe we will get it on Valentin day
send the code?
Happy Valentims Day to @all
There’s a new merch badge coming next week.
You only have a week to get the top hat badge before it’s gone forever, so as I said on Twitter:
BUY ALL THE THINGS: https://merchandise.teamspeak.com
Does the new icon also relate to merch? If it `s not a secret