TeamSpeak Bot - self-hosted

Hey Teamspeak Community!

I’m looking for talented developers to join an exciting project: a Teamspeak bot as a “All-in-One” system! :hammer_and_wrench:

The system should:

  • be developed in PHP and JavaScript,
  • run smoothly on any web hosting as a self-hosted solution,
  • be open-source, so the community can benefit from it.

If you’re motivated to create something amazing, feel free to reach out! Together, we can build something flexible and user-friendly.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


What features are you aiming for ? I guess this list can be extended anyways, but, core features you’re thinking of

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Level System
Groups Assigner / Auto Join Groups / Auto Assign Groups
Groups for Vote
Stats in channel (Date, Time and more)
Server Stats (User Record, User online and more)
Save Groups
Welcome Message / Server Message
Bad Nicknames / Bad Channel names

and more…

well sounds like sinusbot :slight_smile: but if u get this with newer interface better would be great !

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Yes, the concept is similar to Sinusbot but with a clear focus on better management and stability. While Sinusbot is great for music, it often lacks reliability and is too prone to bugs when it comes to administrative tasks.

Our goal is to develop a system that not only covers the essential features but also expands upon them in meaningful ways. A key feature will be a community marketplace, where developers can offer their own plugins and addons. This keeps the system flexible, customizable, and open to individual needs.

Of course, all the crucial core functions – such as a level system, group management, and server statistics – will be included right from the start. We aim to create a stable and user-friendly platform that can also evolve with contributions from the community.

With a modern interface and significantly improved stability, this system could be exactly what many people have hoped for from Sinusbot or other bot solutions but have yet to find.

Exemple Sinusbot or/and TSN ranksystem.
For exactly the same tasks :slight_smile:

well i host my own teamspeak and sinusbot for decaeds now and would love to have a new better userfreindly bot which has all the benefits sinusbot has and more ! if u ever need someone for testing porpose hook me up !

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Sinusbot is great for music and small tasks, but it’s not ideal for handling larger or more complex tasks. While TSN does a decent job with the level system, and the group assigner is okay. There’s still room for improvement in terms of stability and features. :grinning:


Hey there, I would be interested in working with you! Although my skills in PHP are slim, but I am willing to learn!

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Sure why not :slight_smile:

Please dont use php or js for bots. At least use Python :\

js is better solution than python for maintenance, sustainability and reliability.


The bot should be easy to host that you can also operate it with a small webspace


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i have already written such a huge system in java, it includes a security system, an afk mover, a headbot that takes over everything, a teamchat bot and a watchdog, the teamchat is discord, telegram, teamspeak and whatsapp overlapping. In the future I will see if we can open source the whole thing and turn it into an open source project, but it took more than 3 years of development :slight_smile:

edit: also an mobile adminsitration app, and watchOS app


try JTS bot