TeamSpeak Development Status Update says that at least tschat-1 is running on synapse

Well then at least it’s a quick and easy thing for them to start publishing their homeserver’s keys on, so other homeservers can pick them up. They also indeed have to set up delegation since Cloudflare will not be listening on port 8448.

I may be getting a little bit off-topic, but…

What do you mean by publishing? If you are referring to this, it’s afaik optional and you can use other servers:

Also see Server-Server API | Matrix Specification

Homeservers query for keys by either getting /_matrix/key/v2/server/{keyId} directly or by querying an intermediate notary server using a /_matrix/key/v2/query/{serverName}/{keyId} API.

My copy of synapse was throwing an error that it couldn’t find the key for, but that makes sense they can directly fetch them from each other. Since it is not responsive on port 8448 though, my homeserver was unable to fetch the key directly, so thus the no key found error.

Alright! Well, months of waiting paid off. I believe something worthwhile came out of it! That’s fantastic, good job TeamSpeak you certainly kept true to you making TS all about privacy. I’ve used / hosted my own Matrix/Riot (now Element) before and loved it!

Although, you need to work on your communication skills :smiley:


thats a good question, at least i have the same issue with the channel banners it would be great to get information what size the channel banners must be since the new update ( strech and keep asr dosnt bring anything )

Other sizes won’t help.
This was conceived in the update, so the easiest way is to do less. Section with descriptions of servers and channels and that’s it)

So the new Channel banner isnt a thing anymore since we cant use it corretly like before … how frustrating

I am pretty sure they didn´t intend channel banners to be used in combination as a picture wall :smiley:

what exactly prevents you from doing so?

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I use that as well and what bothers me is that we don’t know the exact sizes. and then the white effect added since the update spoils this superb use. as well as the black effect on the number of spacer !!


you can turn off the black effect in the setting ► Appearance ► Show Channel Background.

Recommended channel banner dimension : image cut into 5 pieces of 860x22


I think there is still a lot to be done before the new TeamSpeak client goes into the open beta phase. Only when most of the feedback is positive does it become an open beta

I have a simple question that I asked about a year ago, why is it still not possible to minimize ts5 in the taskbar when you close ts5?

Bêta 27 in development.


we no longer have the channel commander option … neither on ts3 not on TS5 ??
could we have the possibility to delete with a button, the conversation, threads of discussion and chat rooms. thank you

well the problem is now that u cant resize the the window like before because the banner wont move it size like he did before…

I dunno how to explain this

Like in this post the images goes all the way from the left to the right side :slight_smile:

but now it looks like this :

or is there a solution ?

the 2 images should show what i mean

BTW for anyone interested - is indeed federating. It’s really just missing delegation, so when you configure the required SRV record in the DNS server your synapse uses it’s already working.

In unbound it’s something like this:

local-zone: typetransparent
        local-data: " 300 IN SRV 1337 1337 443"

Unfortunately that won’t work with me. I’m getting a federation denied.

teamspeak team could you give us the possibility of being able to open several instances of the TS5 client. thank you. -nosingleinstance option no longer works)