TeamSpeak Query Bot FlosingBot

Hey TeamSpeak Community :wave:
Since 2018, we’ve been developing a TeamSpeak Query Bot, a versatile tool packed with features designed to enhance your server experience by offering a variety of functions. We call it the Flosing-TeamSpeak-Bot, Flosingbot in short.

We’re currently offering it for free to TeamSpeak servers that reach out to us and want to help us by testing new functions — the current version is the beta V3.

:hammer_and_wrench: Features

  • Dynamic Host Banner (rendered for each user, custom APIs included)
  • Staff List in channel description
  • Online User Records displayed in channel description
  • Highest User Record shown in the channel name
  • Current Online Users shown in the channel name
  • Save Groups (control which UUIDs can or can’t join specific groups)
  • Automatic Group Assignment for new users
  • Automated country-based groups
  • Nickname Checks for bad or inappropriate names
  • Add/remove server groups based on server groups
  • AFK/Idle Mover
  • Welcome Messages
  • Date/Clock Display in channel names
  • Require MyTeamSpeak ID for access (blocks users without MyTeamSpeak ID active)
  • User Status displayed in channel descriptions
  • Auto Channel Creation (configure max clients, minimum channels, etc.)
  • Bot/Server Stats displayed in channel descriptions
  • Waiting Rooms
  • Channel Prison for restricted users
  • Anti-Recording Protection
  • Auto Reserved Slots
  • Packet Loss Warning
  • Channel Elevator for user movement
  • Automated Server Messages
  • Group by Channel
  • Groups by Time
  • Server Info in channel names or descriptions
  • And so much more!

:cook: Coming Soon in V4!
We’re actively working on even more exciting features, including:

  • Included Rank System
  • Assigner/First-Join Verification Tool
  • Server Management Tool (similar to YaTQA)
  • … and plenty more surprises!

:desktop_computer: Hosted for you
No need to worry about additional server setup—we’ve got you covered!

Simply create a Query login, configure your bot’s functions on our user-friendly dashboard, and you’re good to go.

For Version 4, we’re planning to make the process even simpler—allowing anyone to register and set up a bot without needing to contact us directly.

:link: Some Links

:framed_picture: Some Screenshots
Take a look at some visuals showcasing the bot’s features and interface



V3-Instances (Admin interface):

V3-Bot controls:

V3-Dynamic Banner settings:

Example dynamic banner - from our own community:

Example staff list - from our own community:

Example user online & user online record - from our own community:

Example automatic channel creator (currently empty though) - from our own community:

Example user online record channel description:

Example dynamic banner - from the Synchrom community:

:slight_smile: Curious?
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or to get started. We’re here to help and would love to hear from you! Of course, you can also ask us in this threat.

Best regards,
Flosing & @monion


Great job!

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It’s a must-have bot for small or large servers that only want one single bot that can achieve every single function that you can imagine. I’ve been using this bot since the first beta release, and a lot has changed since then. I’m already hyped for the V4 release. :partying_face:


@Sucht3rZ a very friendly feedback! thanks! stay tuned, we’ll cook something :slight_smile:

Dieser Bot ist die beste Lösung für TeamSpeak-Banner und viele weitere Funktionen, die keine Wünsche offenlassen. Das Team ist offen für neue Ideen und seit der ersten Beta-Phase engagiert dabei. Der Support zeichnet sich durch außergewöhnliche Schnelligkeit und Kompetenz aus – ein großes Lob an das gesamte Team! Seit der Beta-Version hat sich vieles weiterentwickelt, und ich freue mich bereits auf die Veröffentlichung der Version V4.

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@Teddy1998LP Vielen Dank, für das tolle Feedback! Es freut uns, das Dir unsere offenheit zu den Anregunden von Nutzern gefällt.

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We have been using this bot for quite some time and have been part of the beta program for a long time. The bot offers an incredible number of features that allow you to fully automate a TeamSpeak server. Personally, I don’t know of any other bot that provides so many features while still being so easy to configure.

One of the standout aspects is that we are extremely satisfied with the bot. In the rare cases where issues arise, getting in touch with support is quick and easy, and help is provided promptly. Flosing is constantly working on improvements and gladly takes user feedback into account.

Since this is a managed bot product – meaning it is not self-hosted but runs on Flosing’s servers – certain permissions, such as Server Query access, are managed by him. From our experience, we can say that throughout all the time we’ve used the bot, these elevated permissions have been handled with great responsibility. There have been no unwanted actions or experiments that could have harmed our TeamSpeak server in any way.

We at The Shadow Angels are very excited about the release of version V4. I’ve heard that some new features are in the works that sound ambitious and innovative.

At some point, the bot will understandably be monetized. Given the vast number of features and the immense amount of work that has gone into development, this is more than justified. For years, we have been able to use this fantastic bot software for free – and we are truly grateful for that!


@TECBURST Thank you very much for your great and detailed feedback. We are happy to make our bot available to you.

good day sir i would would like to participate in beta testing if available. Thanks in advance :wave:

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Hey @TimYo313!
We’re thrilled about your interest in the bot. We’re excited to offer you beta access. We’d love to have a conversation on TeamSpeak in the next few days to discuss the details. We’ll reach out to you privately tomorrow.

best regards,

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