TeamSpeak Server shuts down when Windows user is logged out

Hey hey,

First time setting up a Server, and I was successful. As long as the Windows user is logged in, the server is running flawlessly. Connections are fast and ping is great for everyone. File upload is great too.

The problem starts when I have to log out of the windows user, the server stops. Is there a way to set it up so that it runs in the background while the windows user is logged out?

OS: Windows Server 2016

Any help would be appreciated.

8 days and I see no reply
Firstly, I run Linux servers, my experience with windows servers has NEVER been easy for me.

typically with windows, any task opened with a use will automatically be close upon logging out.
To make an app persistent, you create another user that auto logins for just a task, or make a service program.
You need to create a script service if Windows hasn’t fixed the issue with running apps like teamspeak under autorun. The reddits boast about

Thank you so much, I noticed that everyone mostly uses Linux for running the TS Server, I might switch to it, since I already have Linux as the base system on that computer.

I think the “easiest” solution under Windows would be to somehow use the task scheduler. But running it as a systemd unit or in a docker container on Linux is by far less headache-inducing.