Hello all, is there possibility to have a specific timed channels to enter it, say i wanna have channel that can be accessed in specific time frame say from 6 pm to 1am and from 1 am to 6 pm it wont allow anyone to access it. Thank you for any help.
This needs kind of script setting a password nobody knows or high needed join power the time you need it.
Are you an owner of a large community or is this just for testing?
Yes im the owner of this TS3 server and would like to limit access for certain hours to certain channels.
If your server can handle a certain number of users I could write a bot for you that would take care of the whole thing.
The thing is im not good @ scripting, im learning this stuff now but im not good at it yet, so kinda need some guidance and thank you for reply.
If that wouldn’t be to hard for you it would be awesome, and yes my server is more than capable to handle anything i would say
awesome, I would appreciate it if you would send me a pm via teamspeak, you can see my name here yes