Ts3 3.6.0 addons incompatible

i can only see 3.6.0 on the download page

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Hi guys,

Just updated to 3.6, a few hours ago, and it removed my PTT hotkey assignment.
When I tried to re-do it, I discover that TS 3.6 won’t let me set a joystick button as PTT anymore (it doesn’t recognize any of the buttons).

Is this intended, or will it be fixed soon?

In the meantime, I’ve rolled back to 3.5.6 as being unable to use a joystick button for PTT is a show-stopper for me.

Any insight you have on the situation would be most appreciated.


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The plugin update for Gamepad joystick support was not released yet.
We have it ready but need to upload it. This will happen tomorrow when i talked to our team.

I could upload the version for 3.6.0 on Google. If you like.


Thanks for the update.

For us flightsimmers, joystick support is kind of a big deal (especially, for VR users).

That said, knowing it’s going to be addressed soon, I can wait for a couple days (on the rollback version) to update.

I appreciate the quick response. Thanks!



Any chance you’ve made an upload link? I use Controller Hotkey plugin Heavily for a FiveM server I’m a head admin in

thank you!

I made a 64 bit installer for our own plugins for client 3.6.0 (Windows)


One would expect for TS to have their own plugins updated when they release a new version, but I guess not.

Thanks @TS.ChrisR, ClientQuery works again

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Thanks for that, mine is working again too

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Thanks in resolved most of my problems but i still cant use my Soundboard in plugins
Capture d’écran (42)

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The plugin author needs to update the plugin in order for it to work again

oh ok We need to tell Marius Grafe !
he created the plugin :joy:

TeamSpeak has been great for roleplay. How can I update things like RadioFX?


Unfortunately your Update broke nearly all Plugins. The most important one, the Streamdeck Extensions doesn’t work with the API anymore, and the maker of it isn’t updating it soon probably, what sucks huuugely.

Im sorry, but I think you an hear my frustration thru this small topic.

all the best


If you don’t need any TeamSpeak 3 features you could switch to TeamSpeak 5 and use my Stream Deck Plugin.

Edit: the plugin should work again if the Query Client gets updated by TeamSpeak

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Hi Leon, first of al thanks your fast Reply. TS5 is not an option because the whole game Organisation is declares TS3 as mainComm platform.

One of our guys which built a custom TS Radio offered to program a new Plugin for a beer.

Any idea when the plugin api repo will be updated?
