Ts3 3.6.0 addons incompatible

This issue is related to the updated API in v3.6.0. The addons will be updated soon. In between you can download the latest ones from Chris’ Google Drive Files.

For more information, have a look at

Our plugins got updated.
Will remove the plugin from Google Drive.

We are not going to update and work on the G15 plugin. This one won’t start and the last time someone worked on was before Discord was a thing :grimacing:


What about making it open source or something?

Yes, please make it open source at least so the community can update it.
There are still people using it, the G15 is legendary!

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It just doesn’t work. The api version isn’t compatible. Can we fix that somehow?

You have to contact the plugin creator to update their plugin or install the old version of the client.

Where can I find the older version of Sonoran Radio? I’ve looked everywhere.

And the old teamspeak client was 3.5.6, correct? @opZ1ca


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Thank you! Sonoron radio does have a 1.0.1 archived file, so i’ll install that.

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I’ve been trying to install soundbaord plugin but it doesn’t seem to work, after updating teamspeak 3 client it broke the plugin and i uninstalled it to try to fix it but didn’t work
any fixes?

Hey @iiMostafaX ,

You can try to update this Plugin from here: https://github.com/MGraefe/RP-Soundboard/releases/download/v1.4.2.1819/rp_soundboard_1819.ts3_plugin

This is the latest Version that works with the new Stable Client. :slight_smile:

moved to right topic

thanks for that fix … :slight_smile:
But still no human info about making plugins with API 26

Just use the existing pluginSDK for API 24 and replace API 24 with 26 when building your plugin.
And if QT is needed in your plugin, make sure you use the exact same QT version when building the plugin.

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That’s what I did, but don’t you think it’s dumb? You guys should release updates for API too. What about Github? It has been dead for several years

It’s not dumb they got to prioritize these updates/fixes, and I bet they already got their hands full with TeamSpeak 5 development
and what you got to remember is while TeamSpeak is free I bet its development is not free for them and its not just all about money its time too, also to their credit they patched the message box bug pretty fast
like what TS.ChrisR said updating plugins doesn’t necessarily need that repo to be updated you just change the API version to 26 and use the right Qt version then all should be good
Like what I did here for my plugin and another one that I use like all the time
poqdavid/AutoAway: A TeamSpeak 3 plugin to automatically set your status as AFK (github.com)
poqdavid/ts3client-dockwidget-plugin: TeamSpeak 3 Client Dock Widgets Plugin (github.com)
also not sure if i did a perfect job but it works XD

I don’t know what the point of your message is, here comes a new teamspeak user who wants to create a plugin and has a repo on github from 4 years ago.

This is disrespectful to users and developers.

Let me remind you that hosting servers is not free :wink:

The point is not to just see this from your point of view but also them too

Why do you say it’s disrespectful?

Well it’s free if you don’t have more than 32 people which I feel like it’s a good amount of people for a normal none commercial use

moved to existing thread

Hello everyone,

The last update has deleted the plugin/addon for my Logitech G19 to use TS3 over my keyboard display!, is there any chance that this plugin is available in the depths of the forum in any way ^^!

I hope someone can help me here and now already a thank you in advance

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The plugin was discontinued. This is why it won’t start after client 3.5.6