TS3 and TS5 Geolocation issue


I am experiencing an issue with geolocation on any TeamSpeak servers. My current IP address is being incorrectly detected as being in Hungary, while I am actually located in Serbia.
I have already tried reinstalling the client and checking geolocation databases (all databases works perfetcly and shows my real location), but the issue persists. Could you please assist me in resolving this?

Is the server up to date? If not check if the issue persists with the most recent version.

If the Server is up to date you need to wait till a new version comes out, because that also updates the location databased used by TS.

Detailed Post:

I tried connecting on all ts3 servers (and official ts3 server), all servers have newest versions…

any help on solving this?

As there is currently no newer server version available, the problem cannot be resolved…

The only other solution is to get a new IP from your ISP and hope that that one is correctly registered.