Ts3 Php Framework Get Log

Hello guys,
I am using ts3 php framework of ts3. I want to upload logs to the site (as in Yatqa). How can I do?

The framework I use: GitHub - planetteamspeak/ts3phpframework: Modern use-at-will framework that provides individual components to manage TeamSpeak 3 Server instances


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You can use the logView() method on your server and/or host object to retreive lines from your log files.


Use the last_pos field from the first result row and pass it to subsequent queries to get the next batch of log entries.

Additionally, there’s a static helper function to split up log entries:



logView (); Do you have a chance to throw a sample code of the command?
I guess I’m doing wrong somewhere

This should work:

// load framework files

// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$server = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");

// query latest 100 lines from server log
$logs = $server->logView(100);

this is not working

I installed ts3 on a port which is 9987, the port of the framework question is = 9988 and I pulled the logs.
When I try to pull logs on port 9987, it gives an error. ( error: 2052: file input/output error)