TS3 Server windows crash

I have used TS3 Server installed on a Windows Server 2016 machine for a long time. yesterday after disconnecting my client i was unable to connect again.

I closed the server process but i can’t start it again.

The process starts and crashes after few seconds.

I have tried to use fresh ts server files and to reboot the system, but still not working.

Attached you can find the logfile (useless in my opinion) and the crashdump.

Thanks for your help

Log e Crashdump file


Here you can find the logfile and crashdump
Logfile e Crashdump zip

The server is up to date.

I have searched a lot in the forum but no solution to my problem.


Thanks this solved the problem!
The only thing i can’t understand is why it stopped working suddenly…


I would recommend 3.10.2 as it has a few bug fixes not in 3.10.0.


My server went down also 01/31 spent more then 24 hours trying everything include format. But all i needid was a downgrade
Now working fine

Cheers m8’s

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downgrade fine but its just a temporary option.
some solution needs to be found to you can update later.
update is important and as new clients come out you need to upgrade your server to users will be able to connect.

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I think the Linux version of the server is more stable than for Windows. Did not try to install any distribution kit Linux on the server machine?

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