Thank you for the reply. I was reading this before implementing. I think you missed the part where we get the serverquery password or something?
Please check.
Sorry, I might be wrong.
Thank you for the reply. I was reading this before implementing. I think you missed the part where we get the serverquery password or something?
Please check.
Sorry, I might be wrong.
Nope, it’s the last command from the first block
Damn typo, fixed it
Then just leave the disabled login and run the normal adduser teamspeak
Yes, It worked. Not a mistake but to complete the process, we have to run systemctl start teamspeak.service so that TS starts.
Is it right what I have suggested or something I am missing?
Because without sending the above command, server wasn’t connecting.
do you know anything about the Server Permissions? ( [TS3] Permission Related Questions )
Yeah that’s true
just enables it to start when you reboot.
Maybe I’ll check it out later. I think this was discussed already earlier on the forum.
Thanks for the help @Gamer92000 I can’t really thank enough for your efforts you have given. Yeah, I hope if you could help me into the permissions issue as well.
I’m willing to shift my small community to TS3 from Discord because we are bunch of people with slow PCs and Discord eats a lot of processing.
Will be waiting for your response over there.
I have one more question if you don’t mind.
I’m right now aiming for maximum 32 users only.
What amount of RAM, CPU (Cores or vCPU) is enough for the TeamSpeak with 32 Users max and min. both.
I had a server running on my RPi (1) B when it was new… This was not (and still is not) supported.
However it ran without any problems despite the back in the days not really good qemu emulator.
So there is no official recommendation afaik. By my personal experience I would recommend at least
2 vCores and at least 1 GB of RAM. Everything above should work without any problems.
Hard to answer this one as precisely as people would like, but for 32 users/standard sqlite setup, ‘pretty much anything’. We recommend 1GB RAM, but for occasional use, I’d expect lower RAM/1 core setups to be fine. 2 cores will help.
For higher user counts (hundreds+), expect to see higher CPU usage and (of course) network, and that’s where better spec machines start to be helpful.
Hello, Thanks for the reply.
This is the specs of my server for TS.
I don’t know the definition of 1 vCPU here.
It’s Amazon Web Services LightSail.
@Gamer92000 @davinciTS (Tagging because I don’t know how to reply to multiple answers).
6 posts were split to a new topic: Can not connect to my own server