TS6 Client uses a lot of RAM after a short while


I just want to post an issue I encounter with the new TS6 client:

On my PC the RAM usage is increasing a lot over time with just one connection to a small TS3 Server and no screen share. It was a session for around 1h and TS6 exceeded already 13GB RAM and was still increasing.

Checking the processes it seems it has something to do with the video capture service. Killing the process just helps temporary, because it is getting relaunched everytime (obviously). The issue persists even when TS6 getting terminated and started again.

Hope the issue can be found, because using such a high amount of memory is not optimal.

Thank you!

Wow… It looks like a memory leak.

My TS6 has been open on my ts3 server for 27 hours. Current ram usage is 1.3 it has gotten up to 2.8 when Screen Sharing. I had to delete and remove TS5 files to install TS6. Have you tried that?