A few suggestions that are big ones coming from a long-time user of your enemy app pɹoɔsᴉp and general ideas.
Allow us to hide our own stream
Be able to fullscreen mutliple streams on the same monitor ()
Keybind “F” to toggle fullscreen
When we are streaming and click our stream dropdown (from the top bar), the menu will not go away unless we click well below it. It creates a deadzone above the light blue line pictured. Should be clicking anywhere outside the menu should dismiss the menu.
Be able to send ourselves messages (very useful to just remember things please!)
The way to pin our own stream by clicking on it will pause it at the same time. Simple fix is to just disable pausing our own stream and make it so we must only “right click > pause”. I don’t feel there is an immediate need to pause via left click, make it a right-click dropdown choice only.
Be able to hide the chat area when watching a stream such as in Discord please. Maximize the stream watching space. Just display the users on the side and the stream window. I know we can pop the window out, but many of us prefer to keep it pinned to the same as the main window.