Ubuntu and TS Client install, questions, issues

Ubuntu and Clent install, questions, issues. I had Teamspeak client in a Ubuntu computer, it was fine, then had issues, decided to install another replacement hard drive, and I cannot get Ubuntu to install. Note, I already have had TeamSpeak running in several computers, including Windows 10 and winn11. I am only talking about Ubuntu (linux). I have searched and searched everywhere. I cannot get it downloaded and installed from any repository for linux files. I can install TS Server, but I don’t want server. I want client. Also, all of the links for TS installs are too old and outdated instructions for files and versions of TS that no longer exist, same with Ubuntu v24.xx. Basically I am asking if there are some up to date instructions?? Thanx

Hey @AKA_Ramstein,

You can find all the latest TeamSpeak versions on our Website.

We strongly recommend downloading the TeamSpeak Client or Server only from our Official Website (teamspeak.com) and not from third-party websites or any other repositories etc.

The TeamSpeak Client is available for Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

Download link: TeamSpeak Downloads | TeamSpeak