Hello, as the title says I cannot connect with any ts3 server because I am greeted by a red “Failed to connect to server”. I will start with informing you that I’ve read probably every article here about that problem and nothing helped (even updating the time zone). Also, once in a while I have a sort of a fake connection to the server where I can see myself in a lobby with some other people but I cannot join any channel and I am kicked a few seconds after due to “error” and again “failed to connect to server”, but the funny thing is that before I’m kicked and I click on me it says that I am active for “55 years 29 days and some minutes and seconds”, and that’s not only me, If I’m lucky enough I see that others in lobby are also active for the same amount of time as me, and afterwards I’m kicked.
I have no idea what causes this, I’ve tried changing some recommended things in the Firewall or anywhere and nothing helped. I have every driver and windows up to date.
Please help.
The issue was that my Gigabyte Control Center App installed me a “cFosSpeed” app which caused the problem but I still don’t know why. Now after I uninstalled it and restarted my PC teamspeak works just fine as it should.