Unknown users connect to the server all the time and leave immediately

Unknown users connect to the server all the time and leave immediately. I think it’s bots, what can you do about it?

Original excerpt from the TS chat:
<20:35:07> “Unknown” loggte sich in Channel “[cspacer]⬥ E I N G A N G S H A L L E ⬥” ein
<20:35:07> “Unknown1” loggte sich in Channel “[cspacer]⬥ E I N G A N G S H A L L E ⬥” ein
<20:35:07> “Unknown2” loggte sich in Channel “[cspacer]⬥ E I N G A N G S H A L L E ⬥” ein
<20:35:07> Die Verbindung von “Unknown1” wurde unterbrochen (connection lost)
<20:35:07> Die Verbindung von “Unknown” wurde unterbrochen (connection lost)
<20:35:07> Die Verbindung von “Unknown2” wurde unterbrochen (connection lost)

Aren’t those query clients?

As you say, it’s probably bots mate.
Usually these are bots from sites like gametracker and ts3index just to check your server status and the online clients. This can’t harm your server at all. Only make your server more “popular” by listing it in different sites and people see it and join (in case your server is public).
Else if you want to disable it. you can remove tthe guest query login access from the Guest Query Group.


How to remove login access for guest queries from the guest query group?

There is this permission:
However you should NOT have access to the GuestServerQuery Group as I do!
Instead you have to do so via the Query itself.

To do so you have to:

Log in to the Query:
* protocol is `telnet`
* default port is `10011`
* default username is `serveradmin`
* default password was generated on servercreation
Then issue the following commands:
* login <username> <password>
* use 1                                  <- or the virtual server id
* servergroupdelperm sgid=1 permid=13    <- to

Now the permission should be removed!



ich habe ein dickes Problem auf meinem TeamSpeak Server.

Und zwar ist es so das 3 “User” (wahrscheinlich Bots) für immer eine Millisekunde auf mein TeamSpeak kommen und dann direkt wieder Disconecten. Könnte mir jemand vielleicht helfen das diese “User” nicht mehr drauf connecten?

(Bannen hab ich schon probiert…dort steht folgendes “Notwendiger Parameter fehlt”)

Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem TeamSpeak Log:



I have a big problem on my TeamSpeak server.

It is the case that 3 “users” (probably bots) come to my TeamSpeak for one millisecond and then directly discounts again. Could someone help me that these “users” no longer connect to it?

(I’ve already tried banning … there is the following “Required parameter missing”)

Here is a small excerpt from the TeamSpeak log:

Yes you can, you just have to edit the permissions in the “Guest Server Query” group.
Just remove the following permission: b_serverquery_login
After that nobody as a guest query client can connect to your server.