What are the requirements for the myTeamspeak account name?

I would like to know what the requirements for the myTeamspeak account name are because when I try to change my account name via TS5 it only says “Invalid username provided”.

Can somebody help? Thanks!

It’s currently not possible to change the name.

When can I change my account name again?

There is no date when you can do this at the moment.

Why was it turned off? Bc. I changed it a few years ago… (By mistake)

And what about here?

What do you want to show us with the screenshot?

You can edit the myTeamspeak account name here, but if I try it, it only says “Invalid username provided”

If I try to change the account name via the android phone app is says that there are invalid characters in the name but I only use uppercase and lowercase letters.

Probably the messages will come, since you can’t change your name at the moment, but I’m not sure.

Do you have a source where it says that you can’t change the account name at the moment?

Thank you anyway!