You can't connect to a server?

Still dont work :confused:

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I have already checked my firewall but nothing was blocked. I also added a rule that should work and the server did not block me because I also tried another ID and account

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I had TS on my old phone and my phone suffered a literal meltdown when it overheated during a charging session (hit by a power surge).

I got a refurbished Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus (same model as my old phone), recovered my TS account and reinstalled the app on the new device.

I cant join any channels now for some reason. Its constantly stuck on “trying to connect” whenever I attempt to join a channel. I will sit there and wait for it to load and I’m stuck for up to 5 minutes before it boots me off the app entirely.

Any advice?

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check the log files to see if you can find any info in them :slight_smile:

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Nothing :confused:

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More important is what i wrote in the main post of this thread.


What the, I wasnt aware my original post was merged with this one, sorry!

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No problem :grin:

The forum only tells you in the original thread that it was moved but doesn’t when something was moved from somewhere else.


I checked out your original post. I cant even get on the test servers listed. I used to be able to get on via wifi or data. And now I cant get on with either. My chrome book will allow it but not my phone any more. I dont understand. I have tried all the various suggestions I’ve been seeing in the thread here and nothing has worked. I dont get it.

I want to access with my mobile data like I used to so a firewall isnt really an issue there.

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Hello. I have a problem with accessing a specific teamspeak3 server.

I tried to run as administrator, reinstall ts3, disable the antivirus and change the date and time but it did not help.

The problem only occurs on home wifi. When I turned on Internet sharing from the phone, the address popped up the first time and it worked, and after switching to home wifi, ts stopped responding (I couldn’t change the channel on which I was and after a while it fired me completely).

I am not very familiar with these topics and have no idea what to do next

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how can i fixed it ?

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A friend gave me this current address and works for others. Only on my current internet it does not work. As previously used another it was fine. Same laptop.

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This can help?

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Just logged into TS (fully updated) today and getting “Failed to connect to server”, with voicepack “error”. I haven’t changed anything on this PC. Planetside 2, in-game voice works and others aren’t having any problems with TS. Please advise.

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Please take have a Look here: You can't connect to a server?

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Somehow, the knee-jerk reflex for many (especially in the IT sector) is to attribute the cause to (ie: blame) the end user. Others shrug and say, “That’s the way it is. Technology isn’t perfect.”, which is like putting technology in the same category as the weather. No. It’s WRITTEN (‘coded’) by PEOPLE, many of whom are relatively unaccountable for their screw-ups. There would be at least some comfort in knowing that the person who caused a seemingly random server issue for so many was in some way penalized.

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Hello everyone

I have a problem with connection to the TS3 server. When i want to login its gonna write me " Failed to connect to server". In the pasti dont have problem with connect in to the server. I try reinstall TS3 and didn`t work.

Could you pls help me?
Thank you…

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And you can look into this Thread: You can't connect to a server?

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Hi everyone! On my Iphone when attempting to connect to any TS3 server I get stuck on “Logging In” and eventually I get a Network Error. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Did you Tried to reinstall the Teamspeak 3 Client ? Maybe the Installation just failed…