3.6.0 – Sound peaking problem

Not pointing on anyone with following reply!! We still need to check that issue out!

The thing is that the measurements for AGC has changed.
It has changed in 3.5.x already and did change again from 3.5.6 to 3.6.0 trough WebRTC update.

For our perspective the behavior should be the same as long Listener is on 3.6.0 and sender is on 3.5.6 or 3.6.0.

For the sender we do not use any AGC (leveling) and take what the device sends.This is the case since 3.5.x and hasn’t changed for 3.6.0

…back to the old but same topic
What still could be is that the capture device has it’s AGC active and changes very often and these changes make Client’s AGC freaking out.

Or the updated WebRTC AGC struggles much harder with silence on senders.
But in that case turning AGC off and making sure sender does not have any AGC on his device active should resolve the issue.